Hotel Booking Engine

Simplify the entire reservation process for both you and your guests

Your booking engine should be more than just the final step in your guests’ travel-planning journey.  Make it an integral part of your website’s complete conversion optimization strategy with Blue Magnet advanced booking system.


The industry average booking abandonment rate on hotel websites.

source: IMPACT


Benefits of a
Powerful Booking Engine

Is your booking engine an active part of your marketing machine or a passive one?

Higher Conversion Rates

Recapture Lost Bookings

Increase Direct Bookings

dynamic pricing

Live Room Rates

Dynamic Pricing

With dynamic pricing you can be sure that the latest rates and special offers presented on your booking engine are fully synced throughout the marketing portion of your website. Your customers always see the most accurate rates on every page of your site.

Custom Messaging

Behavioral Targeting

Create a sense of urgency, capture return visitors, and incentivize loyalty with our behavioral targeting and custom messaging tools.  

  • Show the number of rooms left at a given price or how many other guests have booked that same room type. 
  • Make it easier for returning visitors to resume their travel planning by showing rates from their previous visit to your site.
  • Promote special offers through banners associated with your email, CRM, or ad campaigns.
behavioral targeting
ota rate match

CoMpare Pricing

OTA Rate Match

Eliminate your guests’ need to check the OTAs for the best deal by pulling rates from those competing sites directly into your booking engine.  When rate match finds a lower price on the OTAs, it will set your Best Available Rate to automatically match the lower rate without relying on huge discounts.

Recapture Lost Business


Don’t let a potential guest slip through your fingers after considering your property.  Our remarketing solution tracks guests who have visited your website and delivers targeted email or ad campaigns to encourage their return to your site to complete the booking process.

woman in cafe
Your Trusted Booking Engine Provider

Why Blue Magnet?

Personal Messaging

Provide custom messages and employ behavioral targeting to deliver more targeted messages to your guests.

OTA Rate Match

Prevent potential guests from shopping around by comparing your hotel’s best available rate with rates offered on the OTAs.

Book More Rooms

Special offers, dynamic pricing, and scarcity messaging help your website book more guest rooms.

No Surprises Here

What to Expect
from Stress-Free Marketing

Digital marketing done right is complex, composed of dozens of moving parts that all need to work together in unison.  Let Blue Magnet worry about the website hosting, ad campaigns, content updates, search visibility, and conversion rates so you can focus on what you do best: running your business.